Source code for GoldyBot.goldy.presence

from __future__ import annotations

from enum import Enum
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from devgoldyutils import Colours, LoggerAdapter
from discord_typings import PartialActivityData

from . import Goldy
from ..errors import InvalidTypeInMethod
from .. import goldy_bot_logger

[docs] class Status(Enum): """Goldy Bot enum class of discord status.""" ONLINE = "online" IDLE = "idle" DND = "dnd" INVISIBLE = "invisible" # Aliases # --------- AWAY = IDLE DO_NOT_DISTURB = DND
# TODO: Create some sort of class to pass into presence methods for changing all status so we can handle the arguments in the methods better.
[docs] class ActivityTypes(Enum): """Goldy Bot enum class of different discord activity types.""" PLAYING_GAME = 0 LIVE_ON_TWITCH = 1 LISTENING_TO = 2 WATCHING = 3
[docs] @dataclass class Activity: """Goldy bot discord activity.""" name:str type:ActivityTypes url:str|None = field(default=None)
[docs] class Presence(): """Class that allows you to control the status, game activity and more of Goldy Bot""" def __init__(self, goldy: Goldy) -> None: self.goldy = goldy self.logger = LoggerAdapter( goldy_bot_logger, prefix = Colours.BLUE.apply_to_string("Presence") ) self.shard_manager = self.goldy.shard_manager
[docs] async def change(self, status: Status | str = None, activity: Activity = None, afk: bool = None) -> None: """Updates the presence of Goldy Bot. Like e.g ``online, idle, dnd``.""" self.logger.debug("Changing presence...") old_presence = self.shard_manager.presence.copy() presence = self.shard_manager.presence if status is not None: if isinstance(status, Status): presence["status"] = status.value elif isinstance(status, str): presence["status"] = Status(status.lower()).value else: # TODO: Let's remove this. raise InvalidTypeInMethod("status in 'presence.change()' has to be either Status enum or string.") if activity is not None: presence["activities"] = [ PartialActivityData(, type=(lambda x: x.value if isinstance(x, ActivityTypes) else x)(activity.type), url=activity.url ) ] if afk is not None: presence["afk"] = afk for shard in self.shard_manager.active_shards: await shard.presence_update(presence) self.logger.debug(f"Updated for shard {shard.shard_id}.")"Presence changed from {old_presence} to {self.shard_manager.presence}!") return None