Source code for GoldyBot.goldy.database.databases

from __future__ import annotations
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING

from devgoldyutils import Colours

    from pymongo.results import UpdateResult
    from .. import Database

from ... import LoggerAdapter
from .... import utils

[docs] class GoldyDB(): """A class representing a singular goldy bot database in mongoDB.""" def __init__(self, core_database: Database, db_code_name: str) -> None: self.client = core_database.client self.database = self.client[db_code_name] self.logger = LoggerAdapter(core_database.logger, Colours.PINK_GREY.apply_to_string(db_code_name))
[docs] async def insert(self, collection: str, data) -> None: """ Inserts the data provided into a collection in this database. Creates a whole new document. If you want to edit an existing document use .edit() """ await self.database[collection].insert_one(data) self.logger.debug(f"Inserted '{data}' into '{collection}.'")
[docs] async def edit(self, collection: str, query, data: dict, overwrite: bool = False) -> dict: """Finds and edits a document in this database and collection with the data provided.""" if overwrite: await self.database[collection].update_one(query, {"$set": data}, upsert = True) else: document_data = await self.find_one("guild_configs", query) data = utils.update_dict(document_data, data) if document_data is not None else data await self.database[collection].update_one(query, {"$set": data}, upsert = True) self.logger.debug(f"Edited '{query}' with '{data}.'") return await self.find_one(collection, query)
[docs] async def remove(self, collection: str, data) -> None: """Finds and deletes a copy of this data from a collection in this database.""" await self.database[collection].delete_one(data) self.logger.debug(f"Deleted '{data}' from '{collection}.'")
[docs] async def find(self, collection: str, query, key: str, max_to_find = 50) -> List[dict]: """Searches for and returns documents with that query in a collection in this database.""" try: document_list = [] cursor = self.database[collection].find(query).sort(key) for document in await cursor.to_list(max_to_find): document_list.append(document) return document_list except KeyError: self.logger.debug(f"Could not find the collection '{collection}'!") return None
[docs] async def find_all(self, collection: str, max_to_find=100) -> List[dict] | None: """Finds and returns all documents in a collection from this database. This took me a day to make! 😞""" try: document_list = [] cursor = self.database[collection].find().sort('_id') for document in await cursor.to_list(max_to_find): document_list.append(document) return document_list except KeyError: self.logger.debug(f"Could not find the collection '{collection}'!") return None
[docs] async def find_one(self, collection: str, query: dict) -> (dict | None): """Searches for and returns specific data (document) from a collection in this database.""" data = await self.database[collection].find_one(query) if data is not None: self.logger.debug(f"Found '{query}' in '{collection}.'") return data else: self.logger.debug(f"'{query}' was not found in '{collection}.'") return None
[docs] async def create_collection(self, collection_name: str, data) -> None: await self.database[collection_name].insert_one(data) self.logger.debug(f"Database collection '{collection_name}' created.")
[docs] async def get_collection(self, collection: str): """Returns cursor of the following collection.""" return self.database[collection]
[docs] async def delete_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None: await self.database[collection_name].drop() self.logger.debug(f"Database collection '{collection_name}' dropped.")
[docs] async def list_collection_names(self) -> List[str]: """Returns list of all collection name in this database.""" return await self.database.list_collection_names()