Source code for GoldyBot.goldy.database

from __future__ import annotations
import asyncio
from typing import List

from enum import Enum

import pymongo
from pymongo.errors import ServerSelectionTimeoutError
from devgoldyutils import Colours
import motor.motor_asyncio
from .. import Goldy, LoggerAdapter, goldy_bot_logger, GoldyBotError

from .databases import GoldyDB

[docs] class DatabaseEnums(Enum): """Enum class that holds the code names for all goldy bot pymongo databases and collection types.""" GOLDY_MAIN = "goldy_main" GOLDY_MEMBER_DATA = "goldy_member_data" MEMBER_GUILD_DATA = "member_guild_data" MEMBER_GLOBAL_DATA = "member_global_data" def __init__(self, database_name: str): ...
[docs] class Database(): """Goldy Bot's class to interface with a Mongo Database asynchronously.""" def __init__(self, goldy: Goldy): self.goldy = goldy self.database_url = self.goldy.token.database_url self.async_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.logger = LoggerAdapter(goldy_bot_logger, prefix="Database") # Initializing MongoDB database. try: self.client: pymongo.MongoClient = motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClient(self.database_url, serverSelectionTimeoutMS=2000) self.async_loop.run_until_complete(self.client.server_info())"AsyncIOMotorClient " + Colours.GREEN.apply_to_string("Connected!")) except ServerSelectionTimeoutError as e: raise GoldyBotError( f"Couldn't connect to Database! Check if the database URL you entered is correct. Error received from motor >>> {e}" ) except Exception as e: raise GoldyBotError( f"Couldn't connect to Database! Error received from motor >>> {e}" )
[docs] async def insert(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, data) -> bool: """Inserts the data provided into a collection in this database.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).insert(collection, data)
[docs] async def edit(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, query, data: dict, overwrite: bool = False) -> bool: """Finds and edits a document in this database and collection with the data provided.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).edit(collection, query, data, overwrite)
[docs] async def remove(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, data) -> bool: """Finds and deletes a copy of this data from a collection in this database.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).remove(collection, data)
[docs] async def find(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, query, key: str, max_to_find = 50) -> List[dict]: """Searches for and returns documents with that query in a collection in this database.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).find(collection, query, key, max_to_find)
[docs] async def find_all(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, max_to_find = 100) -> List[dict] | None: """Finds and returns all documents in a collection from this database. This took me a day to make! 😞""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).find_all(collection, max_to_find)
[docs] async def find_one(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str, query: dict) -> dict | None: """Searches for and returns specific data from a collection in this database.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).find_one(collection, query)
[docs] async def create_collection(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection_name: str, data) -> bool: return await self.get_goldy_database(database).create_collection(collection_name, data)
[docs] async def get_collection(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection: str): """Returns cursor of the following collection.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).get_collection(collection)
[docs] async def delete_collection(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str, collection_name: str) -> bool: return await self.get_goldy_database(database).delete_collection(collection_name)
[docs] async def list_collection_names(self, database: DatabaseEnums | str) -> List[str]: """Returns list of all collection name in this database.""" return await self.get_goldy_database(database).list_collection_names()
[docs] def get_goldy_database(self, database_name: DatabaseEnums | str) -> GoldyDB: """Returns an instance of :py:meth:`~GoldyBot.goldy.database.databases.GoldyDB`.""" if isinstance(database_name, DatabaseEnums): return GoldyDB(self, database_name.value) return GoldyDB(self, DatabaseEnums(database_name).value)